ARTWEEK 2020: Applications NOW Open

December 23, 2019 / Art and Music, Good to Know, In The News, Uncategorized

ArtWeek Event and Special Program Applications are OPEN! Please share the news with your colleagues and encourage them to apply before the Early Bird Deadline of January 10 for extra perks (Final Deadline is February 21 for events, April 3 for special programs). 

1.   Be sure to use your ArtWeek Partner Toolkit!  
You can find resources like these: 
· Post one of these images on social media with the following text: 
ArtWeek applications are now available at 
Be a part of the festival that offers unique experiences ALL across Massachusetts! #ArtWeekMA  
·  Want to share something different? There is sample text you can insert into a newsletter or social post in this document.
·  Email this HTML newsletter.
·  Print or email these 1-2-3 Info Sheet PDFs about how to apply to host an event and join a special program.
·  Print this tri-fold flyer and leave at your business or ask local supporters to leave at their desks. 

2.   Share ArtWeek’s website resources if anyone has questions: 
·  You can encourage them to attend an online Spark Session.
·  If they need inspiration and past examples, direct to
·  For any other questions, send them to Frequently Asked Questions or tell them to join our Community Facebook Group.

3.  For the Event Application ONLY, if you would like a community member to mention you as a Community Partner on their application and/or be listed on their event calendar page, please tell them to follow these steps on their event application form: 
1. Go to Section 5 – Affiliations
2. Click YES – you have a Community Partner you’d like to recognize
3. Select “ArtWeek Community Partner” for organization type
4. Fill out our partner information [Enter partner info here: Name, Website]
5. Upload Partner Logo [attach png or jpeg version for them]
6. Click “Add Event Partner” Thank you again for helping us officially “kick-off” our 2020 ArtWeek season.

Thank you again for helping officially “kick-off” the 2020 ArtWeek season. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the ArtWeek Team–Sue and KellyPS –for assistance.