Gloucester Public Beaches and Stage Fort Park Reopening Phase 1 Plan
May 21, 2020 / Good to Know, In The News, Outdoor Adventures, Things to Do & SeeThe City of Gloucester shared its Phase 1 Plan for Reopening Public Beaches and Stage Fort Park. Please click on the link for the complete update on the City’s plan for welcoming the public back to its beaches and Stage Fort Park as the warm weather arrives:
Mayor Sefatia Romeo Theken, Director of Public Works Michael Hale and Public Health Director Karin Carroll announce the City of Gloucester’s phase 1 reopening plan for welcoming the public back to the City’s beaches and Stage Fort Park as the warm weather arrives.
“I am proud that our city’s leadership team has developed a plan that incorporates responsible procedures and guidance that will allow people to safely enjoy our beautiful beaches this summer,” Mayor Romeo Theken said. “We ask that everyone adheres to the rules in place to keep people safe and healthy so that our beaches can hopefully remain open, even at a health-conscious reduced capacity, until further notice.”
The City of Gloucester has aligned its reopening plan for City beaches and Stage Fort Park with the state’s safety and reopening standards during Phase 1 for coastal and inland beaches throughout Massachusetts.